What to expect from a dental cleaning

Your pet will receive a complete cleaning of the teeth, both above and below the gum line. This is important because tartar is actually an accumulation of bacteria and mineral that can destroy roots and cause severe infection of the gums. However, this is not a cure. It is ESSENTIAL that you follow up at home with regular brushing to slow the progress of this disease, otherwise a dental cleaning may be required up to every six months. Dental diets are recommended to prevent or slow down the formation of plaque and tartar, ask the doctor or technician if you need more information on these.

Sometimes, teeth are diseased to the point of no repair and must be extracted. Usually, pets do well after these extractions, but be sure to give the prescribed antibiotics. Due to the high incidence of infection, antibiotics may be required even if there are no extractions.

Post Dental Care

  • Please do not allow chewing on toys or tug-of-war games for 14 days
  • Allow routine grooming, but discourage excessive rubbing of the face
  • Antibiotics are for prevention and treatment of infection; many come in liquid form and different flavours so if you have difficulty medicating your pet please call us
  • PLEASE DO NOT give aspirin or Tylenol; if your pet is uncomfortable please call us for a safe alternative
  • Preanesthetic and anesthetic effects last from a few hours to 24 hours; an overnight stay with us may be required to ensure your pets safety; normal strength is regained after this time
  • A mild cough may result from the endotracheal tube in the windpipe; this should resolve within a day or two; if the cough sounds “wet” or persists longer than 2 days, please notify us
  • Many patients may not have a bowel movement for one or even 2 days after an anaesthetic; this is normal if your pet is acting normal otherwise
  • Wait approximately 2 weeks before attempting, or returning to, a brushing schedule; daily brushing could prevent the need for further dental care

Home Dental Care

Start home dental care as soon as possible. The first step is to work with your pet’s mouth. MAKE IT FUN for both of you. Use a lot of love and praise. Get them used to you handling their mouth and soon you will be able to rub their teeth and gums with your finger.  They will look forward to this treat. Eventually graduate from your finger to a piece of gauze, a finger brush, or a soft bristled pediatric toothbrush. Use a specially formulated toothpaste for animals. NEVER use human toothpaste, as the foaming may distress your pet, and when swallowed may cause an upset stomach. Brushing the tongue side of teeth is unnecessary. Try to brush your pets teeth every second day. Abrasive foods and toys will help prevent tartar build up. Dry kibble, rawhides, and chew toys are highly recommended. PLEASE DO NOT FEED BONES OR DRIED COW HOOVES. Routine dental home care will improve your pet’s dental health and reduce their need for professional dentistry’s. If you have any questions, please contact us at any time.