We love the days when our favorite friends from PADS come to visit us. We are always excited to see all the new litters of PADS Puppies as they come in!
PADS is a Burnaby based assistance dog association. To read more about their program visit their website at pads.ca
For many years, Burquitlam Animal Hospital has been the primary veterinary care provider for PADS in BC. One of the many perks of working with them and their beautiful dogs, is getting to see the new litters of pups when they come in for their 8 week vaccines!!
“Halo”, who is one of the breeding females, is a beautiful girl. Halo is even the mum to our technician, Kaylie’s, dog, “Seven”. Halo’s most recent litter is named after the Vancouver Gulf Islands — Quadra, Piers, Mudge, Salish, Bowyer and Keats.

They are all extremely adorable and all of us here love seeing all of the pups! Right now the pups have one job; to grow and be healthy. Over the next couple of weeks they will be moving in with their new families who will help to train and socialize them to be full-time service dogs. The dogs will stay with these puppy-raisers until about 18 months (depending on what service they are being trained for). Then the dogs will return to PADS for advanced training.
Once they complete their training and pass all their tests they’ll return to see us for one last “medical” before they are placed with their partner and start their full time job. PADS raises and trains dogs for disabilities other than blindness. This means the dogs will help to assist all different types of people with all different types of challenges; some dogs will work with individuals that use a wheelchair, while others may work with people who have difficulty hearing. And some may work as Intervention Dogs, these dogs work with police victim services teams, social workers, and even teachers or principals in schools.
All of the dogs in the PADS world are extremely loving and just plain adorable. We feel lucky to be able to be a part of such of a great community.