Most canine vaccines come in a form of combination (distemper, parvo, hepatitis, corona and leptospirosis). Rabies is given separately. In addition to these, the doctor may indicate specific vaccines like kennel cough or lyme depending on higher risk of exposure such as boarding at a kennel, hiking in lyme containing areas, etc. For details on each disease please see below.

Canine (Diseases that can be prevented through vaccines)


Nearly every dogs is exposed to this disease in its lifetime. When infection occurs it is often fatal. Attacks many of the bodies organs, including the nervous system. Final stages of the disease may include convulsions and paralysis. Death usually occurs within 1 – 3 weeks after infection.
Symptoms: listlessness, fever, coughing, diarrhea, vomiting, discharge from the eyes and nose


Viral disease that affects the liver. Spread by contact with urine, feces and other secretions of the body. Results can range from mild infection to death.

Parvo Virus

Highly contagious virus, spread mainly through infected feces. Severe cases can lead to shock and death.
Symptoms: high fever, listlessness, vomiting, diarrhea.


Attacks dog’s kidneys and liver. Can spread to humans. Infection occurs with contact of urine in infected dogs and wild animals.
Symptoms: loss of appetite, fever, jaundice, internal bleeding evidenced by blood in stool


Often confused with Parvo. Attacks intestinal system and if concurrent with Parvo, can cause severe enteritis and death in puppies.            Symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, depression.

Bordetella/Kennel Cough

Highly contagious. Causes inflammation of trachea and bronchi. It is caused by different airborne viruses and bacteria.
Symptoms: characterized by a dry non productive cough.


This virus attacks nervous system and results in fatality. ALL MAMMALS ARE SUSCEPTIBLE (including humans) Vaccines often require a municipal law and are needed to travel outside of Canada. It is a major health hazard. Most often carried by bats in this area. This vaccine recommended for ALL PETS, indoor and outdoor.


Humans can get worms from dogs and cats including Roundworms, Hookworms and Tapeworms. The worms can affect the skin causing a rash as larvae migrate, they can go into internal organs and become a cyst or go into the human intestine and become an adult worm.

Always check stool anyways, especially to rule out giardia and coccidia.

ALL puppies and kittens should start deworming at 8 weeks and then every two weeks until 12 weeks of age, then monthly for two treatments. (use Drontal if tapeworms are seen).

After this, adults should be dewormed with Drontal(dogs) or Profender (cats) at least once yearly (twice if fleas are noticed, or if animal hunts or is very interactive with other dogs).